Wednesday, June 23, 2010


As an individual project, I find no need to use terms like 'policy' or 'mission statements.' However, it recently occurred to me that those who are not too personally familiar with me may not feel entirely comfortable asking this, so I thought I would post about it.

To me, tabling for/about various causes whether they be social justice, crafts, baked goods etc, is all very intrinsically connected to the spirit of DIY and helps it create the even better Do It Together vibe. As such, I am making an open invitation to anyone who would like to table at any of my events. There may not be a whole lot of space at some of them, but I'm sure we can make something work.

I have had incredible experiences across this country just hauling my beat up suit-case distro with me; making friends, trading music/zines, chatting. I am in fact flying out to Edmonton tomorrow to do just that. On that note, it should be noted that this invitation is open to everyone, not just Torontoians. I'm always more than happy to have something new tabled, and a fresh face be there.

Obviously, the only request I have is that the materials being tabled aren't offensive in nature (sorry're just not my scene), and considerate (if your baked goods aren't vegan, that's cool, just please label it clearly).

So yeah...Seemingly simple, but important post. I want anyone and everyone to feel safe and welcome to help spread word on something important to them, and would love to help you with that.

As always,

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